
Post A Hug to your loved ones

Post A Hug to your loved ones

Have your kids mail a hug to friends and family that they don’t see often! It’s a fun, easy way to brighten someone’s day.

Hi friends!

We did this activity as part of our lockdown challenge and it was a huge hit! We mailed one to my parents and one to my sister, since they both live a long distance away. It’s such a simple activity but it really can brighten someone’s day.

Blog 2

Here are your directions:

  1. Spread out a long sheet of butcher paper.
  2. Trace the child’s head, arms, and upper torso onto the paper.
  3. You can either cut it out now or decorate first and then cut. We used paint but markers or crayons would work just fine!
  4. Print or write out the message below to accompany the hug.
  5. Fold it all up, put in an envelope and mail!

“I miss you when you’re far away.

I’d love to see you every day.

But since I can’t come over to play,

I’m mailing you a hug today.

So although it might be quite a sight,

wrap my arms around you tight.

Repeat daily to keep your smile bright,

until we get to reunite!”